No significant deterioration RAD001 nmr in renal function occurred from <1 year to >1 year after nephrectomy as indicated by mean eGFR. Some studies have suggested that greater losses of GFR are seen in patients with low GFR,20 while other studies have found that larger reductions in GFR occur in patients with higher pre-donation GFR.22 Ramcharan and Matas23 conducted a follow up of 773 living donor transplants 20–37 years after nephrectomy. Information was able to be obtained from 464 (60%) of the donors, of these, 380 were living at the time of the study and responses were obtained for 256. Serum creatinine levels
and proteinuria assessments were available for 74 and 92 donors, respectively. The authors conclude that the long-term retrospective analysis indicates minimal deterioration in average serum creatinine levels and little proteinuria, but a few donors developed kidney dysfunction and ESKD. As laboratory data were only available for 16% of the original donors, it is not possible learn more to determine whether the incidence of kidney dysfunction was increased compared with non-donors. The retrospective study by Gossman et al.22 achieved a 93% follow up of 152 living donors
aged 45 ± 11 years at the time of donation and an average of 11 years (range 1–28 years) from the time of nephrectomy. The average eGFR (MDRD) showed a significant (P < 0.001) decrease from 92 ± 20 mL/min per 1.73 m2 to 71 ± 15 mL/min per 1.73 m2 at the time of evaluation. There was no significant correlation between the magnitude of loss of eGFR and duration since nephrectomy. No significant risk factors for the percentage loss of eGFR were identified (e.g. age, sex, smoking status, body mass index and blood pressure) other than the magnitude of the eGFR before donation.
A retrospective study of 1112 consecutive living kidney donors found an incidence of ESKD of 0.5%, occurring 14–27 years post donation (beginning 36 years after the start of the living donor program).24 The age at the time of ESKD was 73–89 years, except for one younger donor who had developed renal cell carcinoma. The other renal diagnoses were nephrosclerosis the in four patients, and obstructive uropathy in the other. In an attempt to examine the cardiovascular risk of donor nephrectomy and the associated reduced GFR, Seyahi and colleagues used multidetector spiral computed tomography to examine coronary artery calcification (CAC) in 101 living kidney donors and 99 age- and sex-matched healthy controls without diabetes and a history of coronary artery disease.25 GFR was calculated using the abbreviated MDRD formula. The frequency of risk factors for coronary artery disease was compared in kidney donors and controls, and the relation between kidney donors’ clinical characteristics and the presence or absence of CAC was examined.