0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA). Comparison between the 2 groups (with/without IP) was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test, the ��2 test or the Fisher Deltarasin? exact test, as appropriate. The association between flow parameters and peak levels of postoperative ALT (day 1) was evaluated by the Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Multivariate analysis of complications was performed by means of logistic regression (backward selection). A multivariate analysis was performed by entering parameters that appeared to be of significance on the univariate analysis into a Cox proportional hazard model to test for significant effects while adjusting for multiple factors. RESULTS Baseline data The analysis of collected data was based on the criteria of the CONSORT group[25].
There were no differences in demographic data and liver histology between the 2 groups (Table (Table1).1). Intraoperative parameters were also comparable between the controls and the study population (Table (Table22). Table 1 Baseline data of study patients Table 2 No differences in the intraoperative data of the 2 groups of patients Flow characteristics The perfusion data of the HA and PV prior to any intervention (baseline) did not differ between groups (Table (Table3).3). Patients who did not receive IP (controls), showed a markedly decreased PV flow by 29% at 15 min reperfusion and by 26% before abdominal closure (32 �� 4 min after declamping). Simultaneously, a slight increase in HA flow of 8% and 3.5% was observed after 15 and 32 min, respectively, of reperfusion of the liver remnants (Figure (Figure1A).1A).
In contrast, patients who received IP (group B), maintained stable PV flow during the IP procedure as well as at 15 and 29 min after declamping the portal triad (Figure (Figure1B).1B). In addition, IP induced a more than 200% increase in HA perfusion immediately after IP and the significantly elevated arterial flow was maintained at 15 min (+56%) as well as at 29 min (+38%) after starting reperfusion of the liver remnants, demonstrating a continuing influence of IP on the postischemic blood supply (Table (Table3,3, Figure Figure1B).1B). This results in a total increase in liver perfusion via HA and PV of 27% when patients underwent the IP procedure (P < 0.01, Table Table33). Figure 1 Changes in portal vein (PV) and hepatic artery (HA) inflow (100% = baseline) at operation (mean �� SD) in the control group (A) and study population (B).
T1: Before starting Anacetrapib the Pringle maneuver; T2: At the end of the IP procedure, i.e. 10 min … Table 3 Flow characteristics of patients undergoing PM (control, n = 30) and IP + PM (study group, n = 31) Laboratory parameters Postischemic liver damage was measured by ALT levels during the postoperative course. In controls, we observed a significant ALT increase from 28 �� 12 U/L to 550 �� 659 U/L on day 1 when compared to preoperative values, which clearly suggests the PM as the cause of enzyme release.