05 mg L-1 to 8.0 mg L-1.The polymers used for film fabrication were polyaniline (PANI), poly(o-ethoxyaniline) (POEA), aquatic humic substances (AHS) and sulfonated lignin (SL). PANI and POEA were chemically synthesized as described in references [20-22], using ammonium peroxydisulfate in solution of 1.0 mol L-1 HCl at 0 ��C. SL was obtained from Melbar (Brazil) and AHS were isolated from a water sample collected from River Jo?o Pereira, which is a tributary of the River Itapanha��, located downstream-upstream. River Itapanha�� is located in an environmentally-protected area near the city of Bertioga, on the south coast of S?o Paulo state, Brazil [23].
The extraction and fractioning were made according to procedures established by the International Society of Humic Substances [24], as well as recommendations by Malcolm [25].
The AHS solutions were prepared in the concentrations of 5, 10 and 30 mg L-1. All the aqueous solutions of POEA, SL and AHS were prepared using ultra pure water from a Milli-Q system (Millipore?). The pH was adjusted by adding amounts of 0.1 M of HCl or 0.1 M of NH4OH. The details for film deposition for the sensing units are presented in Table 1, while the experimental setup for sensing is depicted in Figure 2.Figure 2.Diagram illustrating the sensing system.Table 1.Sensing units in the sensor array to analyze brominated trihalomethanes.The polymer nanostructured films with different architectures were deposited onto the interdigitated microelectrodes of glass-coated gold using the layer-by-layer (LbL) technique [26-29].
The layers were deposited with an immersion time of 3 min. per layer, from aqueous solutions at pH = 5.0 and concentration 10-3 mol L-1, with the exception of PANI that was dissolved in NMP (N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone), with concentration of 10-3 mol L-1. Ten sensing units were produced as follows: i) Sensor 1 (S1): without film; ii) Sensor 2 (S2) had one GSK-3 layer of POEA deposited from a pH = 5 solution onto the electrode; iii) Sensor 3 (S3): a bilayer of POEA and SL (POEA/SL), with each layer being deposited for 3 min.; iv) Sensor 4 (S4): one layer was deposited from a complexed mixture of POEA and SL (in the same solution) (POEA+SL); v) Sensor 5 (S5): one layer of SL deposited for 3 min.
(SL); vi) Sensor 6 (S6): one bilayer of AHS and POEA, with each layer being deposited for 3 min. (AHS/POEA); vii) Sensor 7 (S7): Dacomitinib one layer obtained from a complexed mixture of POEA and AHS (POEA+AHS); viii) Sensor 8 (S8): one layer deposited from a PANI solution at pH Site URL List 1|]# = 5.0 (PANI); ix) Sensor 9 (S9): one layer deposited from a AHS solution (AHS); x) Sensor 10 (S10): one bilayer of PANI and SL, with each layer being deposited for 3 min. (PANI/SL).