2. Clinical Epidemiology2.1. Epidemiology2.1.1. Incidence and Prevalence It is estimated that UC and CD prevalence in China is up to 11.6 cases per 100,000 person-years and 1.4 cases per 100,000 person-years, respectively [1]. The prevalence may be underestimated from hospital- based data. Although the prevalence in China is lower than in the West, Crizotinib c-Met inhibitor these figures increase rapidly. An analysis of 10218UC cases in China suggests the prevalence for UC increase by 3.08 times from 2506 cases in 1980s to 7512 cases in 1990s [2]. Compared to 1990, the nationwide ratio of patients with UC and CD to total hospitalized patients has increased by 2.11 times [3] in 2001 and by 2.78 times [4] in 2003, respectively. In Hong Kong, the incidence of CD tripled while the incidence of UC increased slightly over the last 10 years [5].
Lok et al. [6] found that the incidence growth trend of UC was not obvious but the prevalence of UC tripled during the period of 1990 to 2006. The latest available incidence rates of UC in Hong Kong increased by 6 times over the 2 decades [7].The above studies from China are almost all hospital-based small-scale studies, focusing on single region and inpatient cases, which can lead to underestimate the true incidence and prevalence due to some underlying selection bias. However, population-based IBD incidence and prevalence data is more reliable in Japan since it has National IBD registry. It is shown that the incidence of IBD rises tenfold [8, 9] and the prevalence is also growing in Japan. Yao et al. [10] have found that the incidence of CD in Japan quadrupled and the prevalence increased by 4.
7-fold from 1986 to 1998. In Singapore the hospital-based prevalence of CD increased by 5.5-fold, during the past 15 years [11]. In Seoul, Republic of Korea, the population-based incidence of IBD also increased tenfold over the past 20 years and the ratio of UC and CD decreases from 6.8 to 2.3, indicating that the incidence of CD often overtakes UC [12].Incidence and prevalence of UC and CD from selected geographic regions are shown in Tables Tables11 and and2,2, which suggest that the incidence of IBD increases steadily in East Asian countries, although it is lower than that in Europe and the United States [13�C15]. In the Western countries, the incidence of IBD has been growing rapidly since World War II and has stabilized and even declined in some areas currently.
It is anticipated that the incidence difference between Asian and Western countries will decrease and may eventually AV-951 disappear.Table 1Incidence and prevalence (per 100,000) of IBD in China.Table 2Incidence and prevalence (per 100,000) of IBD from Europe, America, and other Asian Pacific countries.2.2. MortalityA retrospective analysis of 3100 inpatients suggested that UC mortality of mainland China was 0.6% over the 5 years follow-up period [3].