A fatal neonatal equine GSD IV, occurring in newborn foals of Ame

A fatal neonatal equine GSD IV, occurring in newborn foals of American Quarter Horses (27), is due to a 102C > A transversion in exon 1 of the equine gbe1 gene (28). Conclusion Although GBE deficiency is usually reported in textbooks as a liver disorder, in the last few years the involvement of the neuromuscular system has become apparent and several cases have been reported in close succession, suggesting that this disease has been underestimated. GBE deficiency should

be included in the differential diagnosis of pregnancies complicated by hydrops fetalis, polyhydramnios, and decreased fetal movements, and in infants with mild Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to severe hypotonia. All cases characterized by perinatal death or by fatal infantile hypotonia have been associated Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with almost complete absence of GBE activity and with severe mutations in the GBE1 gene. Reduced enzyme activity and mild or heterozygous GBE1 mutations result in APBD.
Recessive mutations in the ANO5 gene, encoding anoctamin 5, cause proximal limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD2L), Miyoshi-type distal myopathy (MM3) and asymptomatic hyper- CKemia. We report a woman with exertion-induced myalgia and weakness in the hip girdle manifesting at the age of 40. Creatine Selleck YM155 kinase (CK) Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical was increased 20-fold. Histologically the dominating feature

was necrotizing myopathy, but long-term immunosuppressive therapy did not change CK level or myopathic symptoms. Molecular genetic investigation led to the finding of the homozygous ANO5 c.191dupA mutation. This is a report of a muscular dystrophy due to ANO5 mutation presenting histologically as necrotizing myopathy. For this reason our finding extends the histological spectrum of myopathies due to ANO5 mutations as well as the possible differential Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical diagnoses for necrotizing myopathy. Key words: Anoctamin 5, limb girdle muscular dystrophy 2L, necrotizing myopathy Case report Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Recessive mutations in the ANO5 gene (ANO5, MIM 6086629) are associated with limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) 2L; known to be the third most common

LGMD in Northern and Central Europe (1-3) but also with a distal non-dysferlin Miyoshi type dystrophy (MM3) or with asymptomatic hyperCKemia (4, 5). We present here a patient homozygous for the ANO5 mutation c.191dupA with necrotizing myopathy as the dominating histological feature. A 40-year-old athletic Caucasian woman started to complain about exertion-induced weakness Ketanserin and myalgia, especially in thighs and buttocks. At the time she had been weight training and mountain biking several times a week. Creatine kinase (CK) was 20-fold increased. A muscle biopsy from the gastrocnemius muscle presented as necrotizing myopathy (Fig. 1). Due to MHC upregulation myositis therapy with prednisolone and methotrexate (MTX) was initiated which diminished myalgia but the CK remained constantly raised (10- to 20-fold, maximum 35-fold) over several years.

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