A6, A5, and A4 CC strains as well as A2 CC strain 3256-97 (IS629-deficient) lacked the IS629 insertion site in these regions.
Interestingly, strain LSU-61 which carries multiple characteristics for O157:H7 and is thought to be ancestral to A5 CC strains (Feng et al 2007), appeared to carry the BKM120 datasheet truncated genomic IS629 insertion. Since the strains LEE011 nmr belonging to the stepwise model share variable IS629 insertion sites we reconstructed their evolutionary path using this information. A parsimony tree using the IS629 target sites presence/absence produced a tree that was nearly analogous to the proposed model of stepwise evolution for O157:H7 from ancestral O55:H7 strains [10], with A1/A2 CC strains at the base of the tree, followed by A4 CC, A5 CC and A6 CC strains in that order (Figure 3B). Phylogenetic analysis of IS629 elements in the four E. coli O157:H7 and O55:H7 genomes The phylogenetic analysis of IS629 elements revealed that IS629 in E coli O157:H7 can be divided into three different sub-types (Figure 4). That is, IS629 of sub-type I and II differ in average 4% (> 55 bp) while sub-type II and III differed
by 5% (> 60 bp). Sub-type I appears to be most closely related to those of IS1203 (IS629 isoform) found in O111:H- [18]. IS629 sub-type II appears to be most closely related to those of IS629 found in Shigella [19]. IS629 sub-type III appears to be most closely related to those of
SN-38 ic50 IS629 found in E. coli O26:H11 [20]. Therefore, analysis of all targeted IS629 elements showed that strains from A6 CC seem to carry both IS1203 (sub-type I) and IS629 (sub-type III) whereby the ancestral O55:H7 strain carries IS629 (sub-type II). Since IS629 sub-type II found in the ancestral O55:H7 strain is significantly different from the other two IS629 sub-types (O157:H7 strains) and sub-type II is no longer present in certain O157:H7 strains (A6 CC), these data imply that IS629 sub-type I and III were recently acquired by E. coli O157:H7 strains after the separation from the sub-lineage leading to the A4 CC strains therefore not carrying IS629. Figure 4 Phylogenetic tree of IS 629 in E. coli O157:H7 and O55:H7 showing Progesterone the three different IS 629 sub-types present on those five genomes. IS629 sub-type I differed from sub-type II by 4% (> 55 bp) and sub-type II differed from sub-type III by 5% (> 60 bp). IS629 sub-type II was only present in O55:H7 genome (A1/A2 CC) while sub-type I and III were present in all O157:H7 genomes (A6 CC). The evolutionary history was inferred using the Minimum Evolution method [31]. The tree is drawn to scale, with branch lengths in the same units as those of the evolutionary distances used to infer the phylogenetic tree. Bootstrap support when above 50% is shown at nodes. Sp- prophages; SpLE – prophage-like elements; and back – backbone.