After dehydration and embedding in paraffin, sec tions were cut at a thickness of 4 um, deparaffinized in xylene, and rehydrated in graded ethanol. Serial sections from each case were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and rabbit antibodies against human AdipoR1 and AdiopR2. The suc ceeding steps were performed automatically at 37 C by using the Benchmark XT Slide Staining System Specifica tions. Antigen retrieval was performed by immersing slides in citrate buffer for 15 minutes, and endogenous peroxidases were blocked with 1% H2O2 for 4 minutes. The sections were incubated with anti human adiponec tin receptors at the dilution of 1100 for 60 minutes at room temperature. To visualize the immunostaining, the Ultravision LP kit was used. The slides were stained by using a diaminobenzi dine detection kit and counterstained with hema toxylin.
Specimens were evaluated under light microscopy by an expert pathologist and scored based on a semiquantitative approach of percentage of positive chondrocytes and staining intensity in the lesional and nonlesional areas of each cartilage sample. The number of stained cells and total cells were counted in at least three selleck chemicals randomly selected high power fields for each area of cartilage samples. Primary culture of OA chondrocytes The cartilage portions with less than 50% of thickness loss were harvested from postsurgical cartilage samples of another six patients, and chondrocytes were released by enzymatic digestion with 0. 2% pronase and 0. 3% clostridial collagenase.
Isolated chondro cytes were plated in poly 2 hydroxyethyl methacrylate coated 60 mm diameter dishes or 24 well plates and cultured in Dulbeccos Modified Eagle Med ium containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 100 IUml penicillin, and 100 ugml streptomycin at 37 C in a humidified 5% CO2 atmosphere. The culture medium was changed every 2 to 3 days in suspension culture, and chondrocytes mek2 inhibitor were stimulated 5 to 6 days after isolation. Nonadherent culture in HEMA coated dishes has been described as a means of maintaining the chondrocyte specific phenotype for up to 3 months. To prepare a 10stock solution, poly HEMA was dis solved at 120 mgml in 95% ethanol, and the solution was incubated overnight at 37 C. After removal of undissolved materials, the stock solution was diluted with 95% ethanol to a final concentration of 12 mgml. Culture dishes or plates were coated with 0. 1 mlcm2 of the diluted poly HEMA solution and then air dried uncovered in a sterile environment for 2 days. Cell treatments OA chondrocytes were stimulated with the full length adiponectin at 0, 1, 10, or 30 ugml for 24 hours in FBS free DMEM. The full length adiponectin used in our study was a lyophilized form of the FLAG tagged recombinant human adiponec tin expressed by HEK 293 cells.