(B) Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) of the first 15 amino acids (aa) (given in the single letter code) after excision of a predicted 20 aa signaling peptide of MCFOs. The alignment was performed using CLUSTALW2 and displayed
with the Jalview editor (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/msa/clustalw2/). The selected proteins are: Fet3p [UniProtKB: Q59NF9], Fet31p [UniProtKB: Q59NF7], Fet33 [UniProtKB: Q5A503], Fet34p [UniProtKB: Q59NF5] Z-VAD-FMK cell line and Fet99p [UniProtKB: Q59NF8]. (C) SDS-PAGE analysis of MCFOs, which were extracted from cells grown in RPMI supplemented with different iron concentrations at 30°C for 3 h. Table 1 Peptide peaks obtained from MS-MALDI-TOF analysis Maraviroc mw of the MCFOs band Peptide peaks [m/z] MCFO 998.5 Fet3p 1384.7 Fet34p 1389.7 Fet3p 1399.7 Fet34p 1507.8 Fet3p, Fet31p 1726.9 Fet3p, Fet34p 1838.9 Fet34p 1867.0 Fet3p, Fet31p, Fet99p
Previous gene expression experiments in C. albicans had reported that FET34 expression was regulated by iron availability, as expression of this gene was induced under restricted iron compared to sufficient iron conditions [23, 43]. Thus, we further investigated the dependence of MCFOs expression on iron concentrations in the growth medium. According to information given by the supplier, RPMI medium does not contain iron salts and can be considered as medium with very low basal iron levels. Thus, the concentrations of FeCl3 added to this medium were taken as total Fe3+ concentration. Increasing ferric
iron concentrations led to significant decreases of MCFOs levels as determined by SDS PAGE and subsequent coomassie staining of proteins (Figure 3C). When iron concentrations equaled or exceeded 7.5 μM, hardly any protein band was visible. Taken together, these results confirm that the expression levels of extracted MCFOs were dependent on the iron ion concentration Clomifene in the growth medium. Deletion of HOG1 induced components of the HAIU pathway independent of iron availability Previously, de-repression of genes involved in iron uptake (FET34, FTR1, FRE10 and RBT5) was reported in the Δhog1 mutant by whole genome gene expression profiling of cells grown under sufficient iron conditions [27]. As the expression of these genes is usually repressed by sufficient iron conditions and only induced by restricted iron conditions [23] (for MCFOs see Figure 3), we investigated the function of Hog1p in the response of C. albicans to iron. We first confirmed elevated amounts of MCFO proteins in Δhog1 and Δpbs2 deletion mutants in comparison to the wild type (WT, SC5314) and the reference strain (DAY286) which was best seen in cells grown in YPD overnight (Figure 4A, see Additional file 2 for the complete gel). The identity of the MCFO proteins was proven by MS/MS analysis of the peptide at 1726.9 m/z (data not shown).