
(considered then our most potent, anxiolyt


(considered then our most potent, anxiolytic) actually exacerbated their symptoms. Controlled studies supported this observation. These patients would now be diagnosed as having panic disorder (PD) with agoraphobia. Our model for the development of agoraphobia with panic attacks suggested that the initiating clinical event is the sudden appearance of spontaneous panics, abrupt crescendos of intense distress, and fearful Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical apprehensions. Spontaneous means that there is no environmental danger sufficient to cause sudden extreme fear. Further, at illness onset, there are no specific phobic stimuli. The spontaneous panic immediately leads to an outburst of appeals and attempts to get. help, eg, telephone calls, precipitous Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical emergency room visits, etc. After the initial attack, the patient may temporarily feel well,

but after recurrent panics, enduring apprehension, chronic tension, and autonomic distress develop. The chronic distress fluctuates, but lacks the dramatic panic crescendo. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Interpanic chronic anxiety probably has several components. Concern about, panic recurrences causes chronic anticipatory anxiety, which is explicable by the uncertainty, insecurity, and helplessness engendered by unpredictable attacks. However, patients also report good days and bad days. On awakening, they may correctly realize that this will be a bad day in which panics are likely to occur. Conversely, they may feel fairly well and unlikely to panic, although not immune. This waxing and waning of interpanic anxiety cannot, be entirely explained on the basis of learned, anticipatory fears. During imipramine treatment, there is a regular progression of antipanic effects. After several weeks, patients Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical no longer have spontaneous full-blown panics. However, they often feel as if a panic is starting and helplessly observe their increasing distress, which suddenly, surprisingly, stops and does not peak into terror. (This experience is inconsistent with the theory

that panic is simply a catastrophic overreaction to autonomic fluctuations.) Many recollect having such limited symptom Ketanserin attacks such as these between panics when not on medication. In Freud’s early lucid description of the agoraphobic process, he refers to “larval” anxiety attacks, which probably contribute to interpanic chronic anxiety. A third component, of interpanic chronic anxiety may be sensitization, which occurs following repeated unexpected traumas, ie, panics. The Protein Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor sensitized organism overreacts to both conditioned and neutral stimuli, resulting in maintained tension. (In Aplysia, sensitization is due to presynaptic facilitation of neurotransmitter release by sensory neurons and structural changes that facilitate this functional increment.) Some equate the interpanic anxiety with the anxiety of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

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