Even within the same species, significant regional variations exi

Even within the same species, significant regional variations exist in neurotoxic venom components [35]. In practice, the treating physician can assess for all of these venom effects with a focused history and physical examination and review of basic laboratory studies. Serial measurements of prothrombin time, hemoglobin, and platelet counts are recommended for all pit viper Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical victims. Fibrinogen is a more sensitive measure of venom-induced defibrination than prothrombin time, and should be followed, if obtainable. Although one-time measurement of

fibrin split products in the first 12 hours post-bite is useful for early detection of incipient Ixazomib molecular weight hematologic venom effects, no proven role in therapy has been established for serial fibrin split product measurements, and an elevated FSP alone is not an indication for antivenom treatment [25]. Most treatment Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical resources include a grading scale for crotaline envenomation. The reliability and validity of these scales have not been established. Furthermore,

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical because snake envenomation is a dynamic disease state, grading assigned at a single point in time may be a poor representation of overall severity. The panel members unanimously concluded that these scales are of little value outside of a research context, and therefore did not include a grading scale in these recommendations. Instead, the panel recommends serial examination of the patient for specific venom effects,

with treatment based on the evolution of medically significant venom effects over time. Indications for antivenom (box 3) Administration of antivenom, in adequate doses, effectively Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical halts the spread of local tissue effects, reduces hematologic venom effects, and reduces systemic effects resulting from crotaline envenomation [11,12,26,36,37]. Treatment with antivenom is indicated for any patient with progressive local tissue effects, hematologic venom effects, and systemic signs attributable to venom. The panel recommends withholding Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical antivenom from patients with limb envenomations who have localized pain and swelling as the only manifestation of envenomation, provided that these local tissue too effects are not progressing. For extremity envenomations, some panelists use a threshold of swelling that has crossed a major joint [wrist, elbow, ankle, or knee] and is progressing for this purpose, while other panelists treat minor hand envenomations more aggressively. Unfortunately, it is not known whether early administration of antivenom in a patient with apparently minor envenomation improves long-term limb functional outcomes [38]. Regardless of the threshold chosen, patients with apparently minor envenomations require close observation, and should be given antivenom promptly if venom effects are progressing.

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