Figure 3 FE-SEM images reveal healthy spiral morphology of Hp cells cultured under aerobic condition. Hp 26695 was cultured in liquid medium with shaking Ipilimumab research buy under 2%, 8%, or 20% O2 tension in the absence or presence of 10% CO2. Cells harvested at 12 or 36 h were visualized by FE-SEM. Examples of spiral (S), bacillary (B), U-shaped (U), rounded (R), and coccoid (C) forms are indicated. In enlarged
pictures, outer membrane vesicles can be seen on cells cultured under 20% O2 tension for 12 h, but not cells cultured for 36 h. Data shown are representative of three independent experiments. Scale bar = 1 μm. Next, we evaluated Hp cell membrane integrity under various gas conditions with membrane-permeant and membrane-impermeant fluorescent dyes (Figure 4). Live/dead cell staining with SYTO 9 and propidium iodide (PI) showed that, after 12 h of CO2 deprivation, many cells lost cytoplasmic membrane integrity under the microaerobic condition. At 36 h, these microaerobic cultures contained only U-shaped,
coccoid, and aggregated forms that had lost membrane integrity (data not shown). In contrast, 20% to 30% of the cells in the culture grown under 20% O2 without CO2 retained spiral or bacillary forms with intact membranes at 12 h and may have been viable. This result AZD1208 research buy is consistent with the viable counts of Hp in Figure 1A. In the presence of CO2, most cells remained spiral or rod-shaped with intact membranes regardless of O2 concentration. Along with FE-SEM findings, these results indicate that high CO2 tension is required for Hp survival
and growth, and in the absence of CO2, aerobic conditions support Hp cell survival better than microaerobic conditions. Figure 4 Lack of CO 2 induces coccoid transformation of HP cells. Hp 26695 ID-8 was cultured in liquid medium for 12 h under various gas conditions. After staining with membrane-permeant SYTO 9 (green) and membrane-impermeant PI (red), cells were visualized by confocal microscopy. Data shown are representative of five independent experiments. Hp uses fermentation under microaerobic conditions but not under aerobic conditions Because our results indicated that Hp is not microaerophilic at high cell densities and grows better under aerobic conditions, we assessed Hp energy metabolism by measuring metabolites under microaerobic or aerobic conditions. In the initial culture media, the glucose level was 2.5 mM but became undetectable in the media of cultures grown under 8% or 20% O2 with 10% CO2, where bacterial growth was significantly higher, indicating glucose consumption (data not shown). Acetate was the major organic acid product in cultures grown under anaerobic and microaerobic conditions, followed by pyruvate and succinate (Figure 5A).