In the dipole approximation, the closed conservative system of identical atoms with the electromagnetic field in a cavity can be described by the Hamiltonian consisting of free atoms and electromagnetic field items with dipole-field coupling between the atoms and the electromagnetic field modes. Inasmuch IWR-1 supplier as at the initial time moment t = 0 all atoms α = 1..N of the ensemble are in the ground state |b〉 α and EM field is in
Fock state (that presents one photon with the wave vector k 0), we look for a solution of the corresponding Schrödinger equation in the interacting picture in the following form: (1) with the initial conditions: (2) where is Kroneker’s delta symbol. if k = k 0, and if k ≠ k 0. β α (t) (α = 1..N) and γ k,j (t) (j = 1, 2) are the αth atom excited GDC-0973 nmr state amplitude with the others in the ground states and excited Fock field state amplitude of the jth polarization with the wave vector k, accordingly. Then, the corresponding Schrödinger equation in the interacting picture yields the following system of equations: (3) (4) where (5) where (6) Here, θ k,j is the angle between dipole transition vector ℘ α (more accurately, non-diagonal dipole matrix element) and the jth unit polarization vector e
k,j (j = 1,2 and e k,j · k= 0). V is the available by the system of atoms and field space volume. The frequencies ν k correspond to the modes with the module of the wave vectors k equal to |k|. Therefore, substituting Equation 4 into 3 and differentiating one more time, after applying the Weisskopf-Wigner approximation (details in [11]), we can derive the following system of evolution equations: (7) where (8) And the decay rates D α in the approximation can be estimated by the formula: (9) The coefficient D α (α = 1..N) describes the respective rate of decay for αth atom excited
state. Note, that the ‘non-resonant’ items for the particle with distinguished from α indexes were disregarded in here in an assumption of quite large interatomic distances filipin (see details in [11]). Results and discussion An atomic chain with cyclically distanced atoms Next, we try to make the selleck products calculations, using here the particular case of space configuration for the system atoms field. Below, for simplicity, only one polarized mode (j = 1) of the resonant field modes is taken into account with the common parameters g α and ℘ α for α = 1..N : (10) and (11) for |k| = k 0. In other words, the space angle distribution for the components Φ αδ is disregarded here, assuming the direction of the transition dipole moment ℘ α for any atom in the system coincides with the photon polarization in absorbing or emitting a resonant photon. Then, from the system of Equation 7, in the case of a cavity with two resonant modes k = ± k 0 and identical atoms with D α ≡ D for α = 1..