Moreover, family studies of schizotaxia suggest, at least three p

Moreover, family studies of schizotaxia suggest, at least three pertinent directions for future research. First, our initial findings with risperidone treatment, suggests that pharmacological treatments

for spectrum disorders need not be limited to periods of crisis and decompensation, but could also be aimed at the chronic components of the disorders as well. Second, schizophrenic illness is not limited to positive symptoms, but. includes negative symptoms, neuropsychological deficits, and neurobiological abnormalities. Consequently, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical treatment strategies need to determine whether these symptoms are treatable. Our findings with risperidone in schizotaxic relatives suggest, that at least some of these symptoms can be attenuated. Third, and perhaps most significantly, treatments for schizotaxia. have the potential

to attenuate or even prevent the development, of other, more severe, disorders in the spectrum of schizophrenia. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical An important goal for the near future is the need to characterize and validate schizotaxia as a syndrome. Eventually, however, treatments for schizotaxia might, be administered to click here high-risk individuals to prevent, the onset of nonpsychotic spectrum conditions and schizophrenia itself.
Schizophrenia is a chronic recurring psychotic illness Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical that characteristically begins in young adult years and lasts a lifetime.1,2 Prodromal symptoms often precede the acute psychosis, including cognitive dysfunction and negative symptoms.3 Whether schizophrenia represents a single illness or is a syndromal diagnosis is still unknown, and data indicating how we should define disease subgroups are still required.4,5 Because the disease has affected Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical humans for millennia, clinicians know a considerable amount about the clinical characteristics, onset, response to interventions, and

tissue response characteristics of persons with the illness.6-8 Here, we will Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical review what is known about schizophrenia and speculate on the potential meaning of this constellation of observations. Schizophrenia: the clinical condition Psychosis The defining features of a schizophrenia diagnosis are hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, and thought disorder; these experiences Thymidine kinase are manifest in multiple sensory modalities and include abnormalities in all aspects of thought, cognition, and emotion (Table I, see next, page). 4,9,10 The psychotic symptoms often have an insidious onset, and are characterized by a failure of logic, customary associations, intent, and the organization that usually accompanies human thought. It is not the loss but rather the malfunction of these functions that characterizes psychosis. Moreover, these features can fluctuate in intensity and across sensory substrates throughout the illness.

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