of many e isting inhibitory strategies for STAT3 and not other STAT proteins or oncogenic pathways has not been validated in biological systems. An attractive selleck products aspect of FLLL32 was its specificity and activity at micro molar concentrations. Data from the present study sug gest that FLLL32 represents a unique molecule that can be optimized further for inhibition of the STAT3 path way. STAT3 can promote immune tolerance in the setting of cancer and thus represents an attractive target to enhance immunotherapy. Recent studies from our group and others have demonstrated that the pres ence of constitutively active STAT3 in melanoma cells is correlated with reduced responsiveness to cytokines which act via STAT1 signal transduction.
These data suggest that the balance between pSTAT1 and pSTAT3 may influence cellular responsiveness to immunostimula tory cytokines and ultimately immune mediated tumor regression. Data from this report also shows that FLLL32 inhibited IL 6 induced STAT3 phosphorylation within PBMCs. Of note, elevated levels of IL 6 are associ ated with poor prognosis in melanoma, and contribute to the generation of immunosuppressive lymphoid cell pop ulations. Finally, our studies indicate that FLLL32 mediated inhibition of STAT3 does not alter production of granzyme b or IFN by NK cells from normal donors when cultured with K562 targets, or their viability when cultured with IL 2. These properties are of importance based on recent murine studies showing the Jak2 inhibi tor WP1193 can augment immunotherapy with IFN, and STAT3 siRNA CpG oligodeo ynucleotides can elicit anti tumor immune responses.
Together these data suggest that STAT3 pathway inhibition could be investigated further as a potential means by which to overcome immune tolerance and augment responsive ness to standard or e perimental immune based thera pies. Despite its improved STAT3 specificity, the FLLL32 analog retains some structural properties of its parent compound, curcumin which as e pected, limit its solubil Carfilzomib ity and bioavailability. Therefore, our group is pursuing additional structural modifications or formulation approaches to further improve upon the bio availability of this small molecule, in light of its potent and specific in vitro activity. The present results provide evidence that the FLLL32 curcumin analog represents a promising lead compound on which to base the further development of STAT3 specific inhibitors against mela noma.
The ability of FLLL32 to specifically inhibit the STAT3 pathway while retaining the cellular response to cytokines with anti tumor activity is a particular advan tage things that will be optimized in future pre clinical studies. Background MicroRNAs are important post transcriptional regula tors of gene e pression that control diverse physiological and pathological processes, this control allows for fine tuning of the cellular processes, including regulation of proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Micro RNAs are initially transcribe