pate in apoptosis in Drosophila Kumarswamya and colleagues rece

pate in apoptosis in Drosophila. Kumarswamya and colleagues recently used Sf9 cells to demon strate that cyosolic cytochrome c release is an essential event for caspase activation during Lepidopteran apop tosis, and that cytochrome c release might occur inde pendent of mitochondrial membrane potential loss and permeability transition pore formation. Furthermore, cytochrome c has been detected by Western blot in the cytoplasm of UV induced apoptotic silkworm cells, BmE SWU1. These all are distinctively different from the mechanisms reported in Drosophila, but are similar to mammalian apoptosis. The domestic silkworm Bombyx mori has important economic value. Investiga tion into apoptosis in Lepidotera began at the same time as Drosophila.

Since intersegmental muscle apoptosis was studied in 1965, apoptosis research in silkworm has lagged far behind that of other organisms until the 1990s. Now, apoptosis research in silkworms mainly focus on two aspects. First, the morphological changes in tissues and cells during apoptosis induced by extrinsic factors and intrinsic factors, the individual Anacetrapib organs in Bombyx mori apoptotic mutants and tissues during metamorphosis. The second aspect is gene cloning and identification. Tambunan found that BmP109 in Bombyx mori contains the four conserved Bcl 2 homol ogy regions, BH1, BH2, BH3, and BH4. Huang and colleagues have cloned the IAP homolog BmIAP from Bombyx mori BmN cells, and found that BmIAP inhibits apoptosis induced by Bax, but not Fas, in mammalian cells.

Their biochemical data also suggested that BmIAP is a specific inhibitor of mamma lian Caspase 9, but not the downstream effectors cas pase 3 and caspase 7. In the same year, Kim and colleagues reported that the 30 K protein from silk worm hemolymph inhibits virus or chemical induced apoptosis in human cells as well as insect cells, although the mechanism remains unknown. The first caspase family member identified was BmCaspase 1 in BmN cells. Subsequently, the caspase family members BmICE, BmICE 2 and BmICE 5 were cloned from Bombyx mori midgut and BmE cells. Recently, Bryant and colleagues demonstrated both Drosophila DmReaper and its Bombyx mori ortholog BmReaper pos sessed conservative IAP binding and GH3 motifs. The Bombyx mori homologs BmPkc, BmIcad, and BmCdc2 also have been cloned.

However, how these genes participate in apoptosis in the silkworm is still unclear, and this area of research has been very fragmented. Apoptotic mechanisms in model organisms can not accu rately reflect the apoptotic mechanisms in silkworm. For these reasons, comprehensive and in depth apoptosis research in Bombyx mori is urgent. Fortunately, the completion of the silkworm genome sequence and a whole genome chip provide important tools for apoptosis research in Bombyx mori. Herein we looked for possible apoptosis related homologs using informa tion analysis in 9�� genome sequencing data. Genes of interest were cloned and verified using cDNA templates isolated from the

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