Purified spa PCR products were sequenced, and short sequence repe

Purified spa PCR products were sequenced, and short sequence repeats (SSRs) were assigned using the spa database website (http://​www.​tools.​egenomics.​com/​). Determination of nucleotide sequences Genomic DNA of strain JCSC7401 was extracted with phenol/Temozolomide ic50 chloroform and the nucleotide sequences were determined using a 454 genetic analyzer. PCR studies were conducted to amplify the DNA fragment covering the gap of the contigs obtained by the 454 genetic

analyzer. The nucleotide sequence of PCR products amplified by long-range PCRs with primer’s pairs listed in Additional file 2 were determined using an ABI sequencer. The nucleotide sequence of phi7401PVL was deposited to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession no. AP012341. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Oyama Health Foundation, a Grant-in-Aid from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,Science and Technology) – Supported Program for the Strategic Vadimezan Research Foundation at Private Universities and the ministry of Scientific Research, Technology and Competence Development of Tunisia. Electronic supplementary

material Additional file 1: Table S1. ORFs in and around phi7401PVLand their similarities to phiSa2mw. (XLS 32 KB) Additional file 2: Table S2. List of primers used in this experiment. (DOC 403 KB) References 1. Jevons MP: “”Celbenin”"-resistant staphylococci. Br Med J 1961, 124:124–125.CrossRef 2. Udo EE, Pearman JW, Grubb WB: Genetic analysis of community isolates of

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