The authors did add fear of falling and balance confidence to their measurement section which recognises the importance of this construct that has emerged over the last decade. In summary, I would call this edition more of an update, rather
than a major revision; however, this second edition remains a classic, practical guide for physiotherapists. “
“To assist clinicians looking for authoritative assistance with clinical problems, the journal publishes an annual index of content from the most recent two years of Appraisal pages. This index includes content from Volumes 57 and 58 of Journal of Physiotherapy. Content is indexed under the PEDro codes: subdiscipline, intervention, problem, and body part, and identified by Appraisal section and Volume and page number. Some content is indexed under more than one code. Cardiothoracics Acupuncture Difficulty with Sputum Clearance Head & Neck “
“It is 20 years BMN 673 since the inception of The Cochrane Collaboration, an international organisation committed to informing health and healthcare decisions with reliable research evidence in the form of systematic reviews. In this time, Cochrane’s global network of 28 000 contributors in more than 120 countries has collectively published over 5500 Cochrane systematic reviews in The Cochrane Library,
built capacity for evidence-based health care, and pioneered no new methods for research and research synthesis. As the ALK inhibitor breadth of interventions and conditions covered by Cochrane reviews has grown, so too has use of The Cochrane Library. In 2012, there were more than 5 million full-text downloads of Cochrane reviews,
over 11.5 million abstract views, and global usage was up 25% on the previous year. Among the research community, the value of Cochrane reviews is recognised by the relatively high Impact Factor for the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (5.785), placing it in the top 12 journals in the ‘Medicine, General & Internal’ category. Australia is a leading contributor to The Cochrane Collaboration, with 2500 Australian authors involved in preparing around a fifth of all Cochrane reviews. Australia is also a significant user of The Cochrane Library and consistently tops the usage table of downloads per population. Since 2002, the Australian government has funded a national subscription to The Cochrane Library, ensuring that all Australians making decisions about health and health care have access to reliable information to inform their choices. This is facilitated through the inclusion of plain-language summaries within Cochrane reviews to assist patients and their carers to interpret and apply the evidence. From the outset, physiotherapists have contributed to and benefitted from Cochrane as authors and users of reviews.