The link between intestinal fatty acid-binding
protein and plasma citrulline concentrations in critically ill patients needs to be further evaluated.”
“Eye contact plays an essential role in social interaction. Atypical eye contact is a diagnostic and widely reported feature of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Here, we determined whether altered unconscious visual processing of eye contact might underlie atypical eye contact in ASD. Using continuous flash suppression (CFS), we found that typically developing (TD) adolescents detected faces with a direct gaze faster than faces with an averted gaze, indicating enhanced unconscious processing of eye contact. Critically, adolescents with ASD did not show different durations of perceptual suppression for faces with direct and averted GSK1120212 order gaze, suggesting that preferential
unconscious processing of eye contact is absent in this group. In contrast, in a non-CFS control experiment, both adolescents with ASD and TD adolescents detected faces with a direct gaze faster than those with an averted gaze. Another CFS experiment confirmed that unconscious processing of non-social stimuli is intact for adolescents with ASD. These results suggest that atypical processing of eye contact in individuals with ASD could be related AG-014699 mouse to a weaker initial, unconscious registration of eye contact. Autism Res2014, 7: 590-597. (c) 2014 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.”
“Delayed engraftment remains a major hurdle after HIF-1 pathway cord blood (CB) transplantation. It may be due, at least in part, to low fucosylation of cell surface molecules important for homing to the bone marrow microenvironment. Because fucosylation of specific cell surface ligands is required before effective interaction with selectins expressed by the bone marrow microvasculature can occur,
a simple 30-minute ex vivo incubation of CB hematopoietic progenitor cells with fucosyltransferase-VI and its substrate (GDP-fucose) was performed to increase levels of fucosylation. The physiologic impact of CB hematopoietic progenitor cell hypofucosylation was investigated in vivo in NOD-SCID interleukin (IL)-2R gamma(null) (NSG) mice. By isolating fucosylated and nonfucosylated CD34(+) cells from CB, we showed that only fucosylated CD34(+) cells are responsible for engraftment in NSG mice. In addition, because the proportion of CD34(+) cells that are fucosylated in CB is significantly less than in bone marrow and peripheral blood, we hypothesize that these combined observations might explain, at least in part, the delayed engraftment observed after CB transplantation. Because engraftment appears to be correlated with the fucosylation of CD34(+) cells, we hypothesized that increasing the proportion of CD34(+) cells that are fucosylated would improve CB engraftment.