required for identifying differ selleck chemical Palbociclib entially expressed genes through statistical analysis, as in array based analysis. Unfortunately, with sequence based transcriptome analysis there are greater costs than with microarrays for cDNA preparation and sequencing, this prevented us from performing further experiments. Illu mina has improved its sequencing technology. Each read length has been continuously increased. Efficient base calling by using the latest Illumina data analysis pipeline software improved the quality and quantity of reads from the same raw image data. Controlled hydrolysis of RNA before cDNA synthesis substantially improved the uniformity of sequence coverage, as in a previous report.
These technical innovations in hardware and soft ware will enable remarkable progress in reducing costs and in increasing the sensitivity of detection of sequences transcribed at low levels, the accuracy of quantification and detection of splice forms, and the prediction of the whole structures of transcripts. Sequence based transcriptome analysis has recently been applied to various organisms, Arabidopsis thaliana, yeasts, Drosophila melanogaster, and human. During this study, two types of rice tran scriptome analysis were reported, focusing on the tran scriptional differences in two rice subspecies and their reciprocal hybrids and in eight organs from differ ent developmental stages of Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica 93 11. We analyzed salinity stress inducible tran scripts and constructed gene models based on the pilling up of short reads by using the Cufflinks program.
This approach should help to discover novel gene models without reliance on gene annotation. Conclusions Microarray based gene expression profiling is limited to the analysis of annotated genes. In our mRNA Seq ana lysis, unannotated salinity stress inducible transcripts were identified on the basis of the piling up of mapped reads without reliance on gene annotation or FL cDNA sequences. Some of these novel transcripts had ORFs encoding putative functional proteins and were differen tially expressed in response to salinity stress. mRNA Seq was valid as a gene expression profiling technology for quantifying the abundance of previously annotated genes. Our findings will contribute to improvement of our RAP DB and to further sequence based gene expression profiling in various organisms.
Methods Plant material and salt stress treatment Seeds Brefeldin_A of rice were germi nated in the dark at 28 C on a sterilized germination tray. Germinated seeds were evenly distributed on 96 well PCR plates supported by a plastic container. Seeds were grown in a growth chamber at 28 C, as previously described. After the seedlings had been grown for 7 days, they were transferred on their 96 well plates into containers filled with 150 mM NaCl solution, or with control solution, and placed at 28 C in a growth cham ber for 1 h. Four kinds of tissue were selleck products collected and immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen. For RNA extraction