The normalized data were analyzed using GeneSpring soft

The normalized data were analyzed using GeneSpring soft selleck chemical DZNeP ware version 11. 0 to screen differ ently expressed genes. Gene ontology and pathway analysis for the differentially expressed genes were performed through the DAVID v6. 7 software. Focus was particularly laid on the variation of the gene expressions profiles related to different E. coli strain infections. Initially, microarray spots of interest were divided into three groups, Absent, Marginal and Present, using the flag values given by the scanner, which was similar to that described by Junko et al. Background level was determined from the spots outside the gene probing area. Absent was assigned to the spots whose signal intensity was not significantly differ ent from the background level.

Present was assigned to the spots with significantly different signal intensity from the background level. The rest were marked as Marginal, whose situation were intermediated between Absent and Present. The threshold of a differently expressed gene was that in one group of three biology repeats at least one was not Absent in addition to con sidering FC and p value. Quantitative real time RT PCR The first strand cDNA synthesis was performed using 2 ug of total RNA by SuperScriptTM II Reverse Transcriptase with oligo 12 18 pri mers. The cDNA samples were then analyzed with real time RT PCR using a LightCy clerW 480 Real Time PCR System. The real time RT PCR reactions were performed in a final volume of 20 ul with the Roche SYBR Green PCR Kit according to the manufacturers instructions.

The pig genes ACTB and GAPDH were used as the internal standards to correct the input of cDNA. Triplicate qRT PCRs were performed on each cDNA and the average Ct was used for further ana lysis. The relative quantification values were calculated using the 2 Ct. MicroRNAs are endogenous noncoding small RNAs which play significant roles in the regulation of gene expression. Post transcriptional gene regulation by miRNAs constitutes one of the most conserved and well characterized gene regulatory mechanisms. It is import ant for growth, development, stress responses and nu merous other biological processes in eukaryotes. Therefore, identification of miRNAs and their targets in diverse species has been a major focus in recent years. In higher plants, miRNAs play significant roles in different developmental stages by regulating gene expression Cilengitide at transcriptional and post transcriptional levels.

Most plant miRNAs facilitate selleckchem the degradation of their mRNA targets by slicing precisely between the tenth and eleventh nucleotides from the 5 end of the miRNA. As a result, the 3 fragment of the target mRNA pos sesses a monophosphate at its 5 end. This important property has been used to validate miRNA targets. Isolation of such fragments is one of the critical steps for validating miRNA guided cleavage of target mRNA. A major limitation of this procedure is that every single predicted gene has to be verified separately. So, one at a time i

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