The action cycle consists of the following phases: identifying a problem and the relevant knowledge; adapting the knowledge to the local context; assessing barriers (and enablers) to using the knowledge; implementing tailored interventions
to promote use of the knowledge; VX-770 nmr monitoring knowledge use; evaluating the outcomes of using the knowledge and sustaining ongoing knowledge use (Figure (Figure11). Figure 1 Model of Knowledge to Action (18). Dissemination Strategies A multi-faceted dissemination plan targeted at stakeholders will be executed Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical at the completion of the Agenda project. The primary means of conveying the results of the study will be through publication of peer-reviewed manuscripts in journals that appeal to the target Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical scientific and provider audience. Second, submissions will be made to prominent EMS trade journals targeting front-line paramedics, medical directors and EMS operators. Third, presentations at regional, provincial, and national EMS conferences will be used to communicate the results to attendees. Lastly, key organizations will be notified of the results and asked to convey them to their members through free electronic media and posting
of the results on their free-access websites. As well the research agenda will be circulated to potential granting agencies, foundations, industrial and academic partners and follow up meetings with these constituents will Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical enable full discussion and identify opportunities to lobby for change, influence priority and new funding initiatives. Once the Agenda has been widely disseminated
in Canada, it is expected Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical it will serve as a guide for EMS stakeholders to implement a local and national strategy to address barriers to research and to maximize Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical on existing and future opportunities. It may be used to inform budget planning and grant allocation and human resources for research, and to lobby for change in the way funding is directed in existing funding agencies. The implementation strategy is likely to include efforts to develop and protect researchers to conduct studies on questions found to be important, and will ignite collaboration across the country, which will allow for studies with sample sizes sufficient to answer vital questions. Potential Challenges in Knowledge Translation Once this study is complete, and results are for disseminated through the mediums described above, we anticipate challenges in the following components of the knowledge translation action cycle: adaptation to the local context, monitoring knowledge use, and evaluating the outcomes of using the knowledge. EMS systems in Canada have had variable research experiences, ranging from no exposure to studies to being involved with the conduction of randomized controlled trials. Because of this variability, the implementation of the Canadian EMS Research Agenda will need to be adapted to individual services and settings.