Differences in laminar specificity were sometimes apparent betwee

Differences in laminar specificity were sometimes apparent between V1 and V2 (generally V1 versus all other areas); CUX2 was expressed in L2 through L4Cb in V1 but more limited to L2 and L3 in V2 ( Figure 4I), and SV2C was highest in L4B in V1, but highest in L3 in area V2 ( Figure 4J). Both ANOVA (Figure 5A)

Selleckchem MDV3100 and WGCNA analysis (Figure 5B) identified gene clusters enriched in specific subsets of cortical regions. As illustrated in the dendrograms from both methods, the strongest relationships between cortical areas were based on areal proximity rather than functionally connectivity. For example, the caudal visual areas V1, V2, and MT showed highly correlated patterns of gene expression, while the functionally related but distal visual region TE had greater transcriptional similarity to its proximal neighbor A1 in temporal cortex. Strong relationships were observed for the adjacent primary motor and sensory cortices M1 and S1 and for the frontal DLPFC and OFC regions. Differentially expressed genes showed enrichment in specific subsets of (generally proximal) cortical areas (Figure 5A), generally related to neuronal development and function (axon guidance, Androgen Receptor Antagonist mouse neuronal activities, LTP/LTD; Table S9). Areal expression also had a strong laminar signature, easily visualized by grouping these ANOVA-derived

genes by cortical layer (Figure S3). Parallel relationships between Adenylyl cyclase cortical areas were observed by WGCNA demonstrating the robustness of these observations (Figure 5B), with individual gene modules showing enrichment in specific cortical regions (Figure 5C). Module eigengenes revealed additional patterning, including rostrocaudal gradients and laminar components to areal patterning. For example the tan module (Figure 5C, upper left) reflected a caudal low to rostral high patterning enriched in deep L5 and L6. Another

gene module (purple, upper right) had an opposite gradient from high caudal to low rostral, in this case enriched in L3 and L4. Other modules were more area-specific: in V2, MT, DLPFC, and OFC (blue) or lowest in V1, V2, and MT, with enrichment in L2 and L3 (pink). Individual genes showed a wide range of areal patterns reflecting the modules described above, as well as patterns related to individual cortical areas or combinations of areas. Example gene patterns derived from the clustering analyses above, as well as analysis of the genes showing maximal cross-area fold changes, are shown in Figures 6 and 8. A large cohort of genes displayed rostrocaudal gradients. For example, MET, PVALB, and RORB were expressed most strongly in caudal V1 and decreased moving rostrally. Typically this gradient expression also had a laminar component. For example, MET, which has been associated with autism ( Campbell et al.

Another possible beneficial effect of cytosolic alkalinization on

Another possible beneficial effect of cytosolic alkalinization on terminal function is an increase in the rate of glycolysis, mediated by the pronounced pH sensitivity of the rate-limiting glycolytic enzyme

phosphofructokinase (Trivedi and Danforth, 1966 and Mellergard and Siesjo, 1998). In summary, measurements of stimulation-induced pH changes in motor nerve terminals made by monitoring changes in the fluorescence of transgenically expressed YFP demonstrate a prominent, prolonged, spatially heterogeneous alkalinization phase. Properties of this phase suggest that it results from the activity of vATPase pumps inserted into the plasma membrane during exocytosis and subsequently retrieved by endocytosis. Evidence suggests that this cytosolic alkalinization facilitates endocytotic retrieval of vesicular contents. click here The decay of this alkalinization offers a way to measure the time course of an aspect of endocytosis. Mice used in this study expressed YFP (a red-shifted, enhanced variant of Green Fluorescent Protein) in the cytosol of certain neurons, including motor neurons and their axons and terminals

[Feng et al., 2000; bred from B6.Cg-Tg(Thy 1-YFP)16Jrs/J (stock #3709) from Jackson Labs, Bar Harbor, ME]. Animal use protocols were approved 3-deazaneplanocin A order by the Animal Care and Use Committee of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Experiments used the levator auris longus (Angaut-Petit et al., 1987) and epitrochleoanconeus next (Bradley et al., 1989) nerve-muscle preparations; these thin muscles, isolated from the head and forelimb (respectively), permit easy visualization of YFP-filled motor terminals. Preparations were pinned flat in a chamber with silicon walls constructed atop a glass coverslip. Action potentials were evoked by stimulating the motor nerve with brief, suprathreshold depolarizing pulses via a suction electrode; unless otherwise noted, stimulus trains were 50 Hz for 20 s. Muscle contractions were blocked using d-tubocurarine (15 μM). Preparations in Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4,

Figure 5 and Figure 6 were perfused with a standard physiological saline, composed of the following (in mmol/l): 128 NaCl, 24 NaHCO3, 4 KCl, 1.8 CaCl2, 1.1 MgCl2, 11.2 glucose, and 0.33 NaH2PO4, in an atmosphere containing 5% CO2 /95% O2 (pH 7.3), heated to 28°C–30°C. For experiments in Figure 7A, HEPES buffer (11.5 mM) was substituted for HCO3−, and the preparation was gassed with 100% O2. Changes in cytosolic pH were measured from images of YFP fluorescence obtained with a Retiga EXI camera (Qimaging, Surrey, Canada) mounted on an inverted Nikon TE2000E microscope (Nikon, Melville, NY). Images were obtained using a 60× water immersion lens (NA 1.2, Olympus, Melville, NY). YFP was excited at 488 nm from a Xenon lamp-equipped monochromator (PTI, Birmingham, NJ), using a dichroic mirror (505 nm) with a 535 nm emission filter (40 nm bandwidth, Chroma, Rockingham, VT). Images were acquired at 1 Hz using 0.8 s exposures (IPLAB v. 3.

We sought to identify brain regions that represent reward (win/lo

We sought to identify brain regions that represent reward (win/loss) with changes in distributed patterns of activity that do not necessarily entail a change in their overall activity levels, to test the possibility that representations of reinforcement and punishment signals are not adequately exposed by conventional analyses that contrast BOLD response magnitudes between two different outcomes. We conducted a set of multivoxel pattern analyses

(MVPA; Hanke et al., 2009 and Kahnt et al., 2010), considering trial-by-trial voxel values within a given anatomical region of interest (ROI) as a pattern (Experimental Procedures). For Experiment 1, we trained linear support vector machine classifiers to recognize wins and losses during matching pennies, and evaluated

how well they transfer in classifying untrained samples in a leave-one-run-out cross-validation procedure. Above-chance performance for a given selleck chemical ROI across the sample implies the presence of information about rewarding outcomes, even in the absence of significant differences in mean activation. MVPA can be susceptible to imbalance in the numbers of samples across different classes within a training set. To avoid such undesirable effects, we separately balanced training sets for each fold, and the transfer set as a whole, to have equal numbers of trials in each class of interest by discarding trials before analysis GDC-0449 chemical structure (see Experimental Procedures). In Experiment 1, strict balancing constraints resulted in an average of 189 training trials and 230 total transfer trials. For our first analysis of reward signals (win versus loss classification) in matching pennies (Experiment 1), we tested 43 bilateral

anatomical ROIs defined using automated cortical and subcortical parcellation routines (Desikan et al., 2006 and Fischl et al., 2004). Reward was reliably decoded in 37 of these 43 regions (p < 0.0012, one-tailed test for above-chance performance; all p < 0.05 with a conservative Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons; see Figure 2A and Table S1). Of the six remaining regions, postcentral, parahippocampal, and entorhinal regions were marginally significant (all p < 0.0018), while Ketanserin temporal pole, transverse temporal, and frontal pole regions did not reach significance after correction for multiple comparisons (p < 0.05; temporal and frontal pole were notable as regions with high signal dropout due to our sequence parameters). By contrast, a conventional general linear model (GLM) analysis based on differences in average BOLD response magnitude between wins and losses revealed reward signals in substantially more limited areas. Two models (an FIR model and an HRF model; Experimental Procedures) produced significant (p < 0.05, corrected) results in only 9 (FIR) and 7 (HRF) of 43 regions. Even at an uncorrected threshold, only 20 (FIR) and 25 (HRF) regions showed significant reward-related changes (compared with 43 of 43 for MVPA; Figure 2A).

Additionally, acetylcholine has been shown to enhance the efficac

Additionally, acetylcholine has been shown to enhance the efficacy of thalamocortical synapses onto excitatory cells while suppressing local inhibitory synapses (Disney et al., 2007, Gil et al., 1999 and Kruglikov and Rudy, 2008). Given that putative cholinergic and noradrenergic projection neurons exhibit increased firing rates during movement (Buzsaki et al., 1988) and behavioral state transitions

(Aston-Jones and Bloom, 1981), respectively, it is possible that these ascending neuromodulatory systems may contribute to the state-dependent modulation of visually evoked conductances shown here. What is the function of high- and low-variance brain states? NVP-BKM120 The prevalence of slow, synchronous activity in EEG recordings during contemplative or internally directed mental states (Schacter, 1977) suggests RG7204 supplier that low-frequency fluctuations may facilitate intracortical interactions. Indeed, a recent study demonstrated that cortical replay of a learned sensory sequence was enhanced during

periods of quiet wakefulness, when the LFP power was concentrated in the low-frequency band (Xu et al., 2012). By coordinating spiking in discrete temporal windows, low-frequency fluctuations could magnify postsynaptic responses and facilitate spike-timing-dependent plasticity. Conversely, by suppressing fluctuations that are not synchronized with sensory-evoked activity, the low-variance state could improve the fidelity of sensory representations. Indeed, we found that both the amplitude and the waveform of visual responses were more reliable during the low-variance state. Such an improvement in sensory coding might be important during sensory-guided behaviors that depend on an efficient and reliable response to environmental stimuli. All procedures were approved by the Administrative Panel on Laboratory Animal Care at Stanford University. Headplates were centered over V1 on the left hemisphere, and mice were given at least 2 days to recover before habituation to the spherical treadmill (∼3 days). Calpain A <200 μm craniotomy was made

over monocular V1, and recordings were obtained using standard blind patching techniques. Only recordings at a depth of less than 400 μm were included in this study. All recordings were corrected for a junction potential of −10 mV. Visual stimuli were presented on gamma-corrected LED monitors (60 Hz refresh rate, ∼75 cd/m2) placed 30 cm from the mouse and subtending ∼90° of visual space. Stimuli were full-screen sinusoidal gratings (0.05 cycles/degree, 40°/s). Moving and stationary epochs were identified as periods during which the speed was greater than 1 cm/s and less than 0.5 cm/s, respectively. Membrane potential power spectra, resting potential, spike rate, and membrane potential variance were calculated for 500 ms segments and averaged to obtain stationary and moving values.

The findings of Schlack and Albright (2007) and others (e g , Zho

The findings of Schlack and Albright (2007) and others (e.g., Zhou and Fuster, 2000), however, imply that orientation-tone associative learning should lead to selective top-down activation of cortical neurons representing the stimuli recalled by association. By this logic, viewing of each

of the orientation discriminanda will not only drive orientation-selective neurons in visual cortex but should also activate the corresponding frequency-selective neurons in auditory cortex. If the distributions of recall-related neuronal activity in auditory cortex are sufficiently distinct (as would be expected for 200 Hz versus 1,000 Hz tones) those activations may be the basis for improved selleck chemicals discrimination of the visual orientations (relative to the untrained state). In other words, the improved discriminability of visual orientations MLN0128 is made possible through the use of neuronal proxies, which are established by the learned category labels (tones). This is recognizably the same process that I have termed implicit imagery, but in this case

it serves perceptual learning. You see… a hoarfrost on deeply plowed furrows. This fictional exchange between two 19th century painters was penned by the Parisian critic Louis Leroy (1874) after viewing Camille Pissarro’s painting titled Hoarfrost at Ennery (Gilee Blanche) ( Figure 7) at the first major exhibition of impressionist art (in Paris, 1874). Leroy was not a fan and his goal was satire, but his critic’s assertion, “but the impression is there,” nonetheless captures the essence of the art (and Leroy’s term “impressionism” was, ironically,

adopted as the name PD184352 (CI-1040) of the movement). Indeed, it is precisely what the artist intended, and the art form’s legitimacy—and ultimately its brilliance—rests on the conviction that the “impression” (the retinal stimulus) is merely a spark for associative pictorial recall. The impressionist painter does not attempt to provide pictorial detail, but rather creates conditions that enable the viewer to charge the percept, to complete the picture, based on his/her unique prior experiences. (“The beholder’s share” is what Gombrich [1961] famously and evocatively termed this memory-based contribution to the perception of art.) Naturally, both the beauty and the fragility of the method stem from the fact that different viewers bring different preconceptions and imagery to bear. Leroy’s critic saw only “palette-scrapings on a dirty canvas.” Legend has it that, upon viewing a particularly untamed (by the standards of the day) sunset by the pre-impressionist J.M.W. Turner, a young woman remarked, “I never saw a sunset like that, Mr. Turner.

Mice expressing the activator transgenes were a generous gift of

Mice expressing the activator transgenes were a generous gift of Dr. Eric Kandel at Columbia University, and were successively backcrossed at least five times onto a 129S6 background strain. Responder mice were maintained in the FVB/N background strain. The WT htau cDNA encoding human 4-repeat tau lacking the amino-terminal sequences (4R0N) was modified such that the WT htau transgene (containing exons 1, 4 and 5, 7, 9–13, intron 13, and exon 14) driven by TRE was placed in the context of the mouse prion protein gene (prnp) transcribed but untranslated sequences, which were derived from the MoPrP.Xho expression vector. First, the SalI

fragment of a previously created WT htau transgene, including the whole htau coding sequence, was inserted into the unique XhoI site of MoPrP.Xho to generate prnp.WT htau. Next, the XbaI fragment of prnp.WT htau, including partial sequences of prnp introns 1 and 2, along with exons 2 and 3, and the WT Apoptosis inhibitor htau open reading frame, was cloned into the unique XbaI site in the inducible expression vector pTRE (Clontech, Inc., Cambridge, UK), resulting in learn more the plasmid, pTRE.prnp.WT htau. The resultant DNA was digested with XhoI and NgoM IV enzymes, fractionated, and purified by electroelution followed by organic extraction. Purified fragments containing a modified htau transgene were introduced by microinjection into the pronuclei of donor FVB/N embryos by standard techniques.

All experiments with animals described in this study were conducted in full accordance with the American Association

for the Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of Minnesota. Every effort was made to minimize the number of animals used. All htau constructs were tagged with enhanced GFP (referred to as GFP) on the N terminus and expressed in the pRK5 vector and driven by a cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter (Clontech, Inc.). The GFP and DsRed constructs (Clontech, Inc.) were also expressed in the pRK5 vector and driven by a CMV promoter. The WT htau construct encoded human four-repeat tau lacking the N-terminal sequences (4R0N) science and contained exons 1, 4 and 5, 7, and 9–13, intron 13, and exon 14. The P301L htau construct was generated from the 4R0N WT htau sequence by mutating the proline to leucine at residue 301 with a QuikChange site-directed mutagenesis kit (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA). Using WT htau as a template, two htau constructs termed AP or E14 were generated by mutating all 14 S/P or T/P amino acid residues (T111, T153, T175, T181, S199, S202, T205, T212, T217, T231, S235, S396, S404, and S422; numbering based on the longest 441-amino acid brain isoform of htau) to alanine (AP) or glutamate (E14). The AP/P301L or E14/P301L htau construct was generated by mutating the proline to leucine at residue 301 in AP or E14 htau, respectively. The PCR-mediated site-directed mutagenesis was confirmed by sequencing. Based on methods described in Lin et al.

Brain regions showing significant FC are functionally coupled and

Brain regions showing significant FC are functionally coupled and may reflect components of a single but spatially distributed system (i.e., a large-scale

brain network). Granger causal connectivity is a measure of effective connectivity; the presence of Granger causal connectivity from a region A to another region B implies that the neuronal activity in region A precedes and predicts the neuronal activity that occurs in region B. These two regions, A and B, may not show instantaneous functional coupling that is characteristic of a single large-scale system. Thus, Granger causal analysis (GCA) is a more useful approach to study the causal relationships that may exist across networks. To investigate selleck chemicals the “causal” influences between the salience processing and the executive systems, we employed Granger causality analysis in task-free resting-state fMRI. Task-free conditions minimize potentially confounding effects of between-group performance differences and permit the investigation of fundamental components of neurophysiological function. We hypothesized that the “causal” influence of

the rAI over the multimodal brain regions constituting the executive system will be reduced in schizophrenia. We also predicted that any abnormality in the feedforward influence would be accompanied by a reciprocal diminution of the feedback from the executive system FK228 datasheet to the rAI, resulting in a dysfunctional salience-execution loop in patients. In addition, using a mediation model, we studied the relationship between the abnormalities

in the functional connectivity of the SN and the “causal” outflow from the salience processing to the executive system. Finally, we investigated whether the illness severity in patients is predicted by the dysfunction of the salience-execution loop. The demographic and clinical characteristics of the sample are presented in Table S1 available online. Patients did not differ from the controls in terms of age (mean (SD) age in patients = 34.5(9.1), controls = 33.5(9.1), t(71) = 0.46, p = 0.65), MRIP gender (females/males = −10/25 in controls; 9/29 in patients, chi-square p = 0.63), handedness (right/left = 33/5 in patients; 31/4 in controls, chi-square p = 0.82), and parental Socioeconomic Scale (SES) score (mean (SD) in patients = 2.4(1.5), controls = 2.1(1.3), t(71) = 0.79, p = 0.43). Patients had a mean current symptom burden of 12.1 units (SD = 7.3; range 1 to 25) measured using the Symptoms and Signs in Psychotic Illness (SSPI) (out of a maximum possible score of 80). In the entire sample (patients and controls, one-sample t test), rAI exerted a significant excitatory influence on the bilateral DLPFC, inferior parietal regions, and left cerebellar crus.

This led us to hypothesize that metabolic control by BAD may also

This led us to hypothesize that metabolic control by BAD may also influence seizure sensitivity in vivo, similar to the KD ( Stafstrom and Rho, 2004). To test this hypothesis, we used the chemical proconvulsant kainic acid (KA), which induces acute seizures by stimulating excitatory glutamate receptors ( Ben-Ari et al., 1980). Published studies in mice indicate that KD can delay the onset of KA-induced seizures ( Jeong et al., 2011 and Noh et al., 2003). The seizure responses in BAD mutant and control mice treated with KA were scored using a modified Racine scale as previously described ( Ferraro et al., 1997). Wild-type mice experienced

an acute, yet transient, series of seizures that peaked on average between 50–120 min after KA administration and then slowly decayed Autophagy Compound Library ic50 (Figures 3A and 3B). The seizure diaries for individual mice are shown in Figure S2. The majority of wild-type mice (>80%) underwent status epilepticus CP 868596 with very severe tonic-clonic seizures. In striking contrast, Bad−/− mice did not progress in severity to the extent of wild-type animals and were significantly protected from status epilepticus ( Figure 3A). BadS155A mice were similarly resistant to behavioral seizures in this experimental model ( Figure 3B). In addition to raw seizure scores based on the modified Racine scale, we integrated individual

scores per mouse over the duration of the experiment to better account for seizure severity in mice that died during the experiment ( Figure 3C). Seizure severity was significantly diminished in both Bad null and S155A knockin mice ( Figure 3C). Moreover, seizure resistance in the absence of BAD is not limited to the kainate model. Bad null mice were also protected against status epilepticus isothipendyl triggered by pentylenetetrazole (PTZ), which antagonizes GABAergic inhibitory receptors ( Bough and Eagles, 1999 and Ferraro et al., 1999; Figure 3D). To determine whether seizure resistance in Bad−/− and BadS155A mice is accompanied

by neurobehavioral abnormalities, we conducted a detailed battery of cognitive and motor function tests. These studies did not reveal any significant differences in Bad genetic models compared with control mice ( Figure S3). It therefore appears unlikely that these models produce major circuit-level effects that impair normal brain function and might also disrupt seizure mechanisms. As the Bad null and S155A alleles have opposite effects on BAD’s apoptotic function ( Danial, 2008), the comparable resistance to seizures observed in Bad null and S155A mice cannot be explained by changes in apoptosis. To further test for the specificity and selectivity of BAD in this paradigm, BID-deficient mice were examined. BID (BH3-Interacting domain Death agonist) is another BH3-only proapoptotic member of the BCL-2 family similar to BAD but does not affect glucose metabolism ( Danial, 2008).

We have developed a statistical approach enabling us to separate

We have developed a statistical approach enabling us to separate large and small events using a blind procedure. Application of the NMDAR antagonists significantly reduced the probability of observing large Ca2+ events, providing the first indication that presynaptic NMDARs contributed to the Ca2+ signal measured in the bouton. Interestingly, inhibition of NR2B containing NMDARs

does not produce a result significantly different from that observed in D-AP5. Because the NMDAR subunit composition is reported to change during development, with the number of NR2A-containing NMDARs thought to increase and perhaps partly replace NR2B-containing receptors within the synapse (Flint et al., 1997, Monyer et al., 1994 and Stocca and Vicini, 1998), our data suggest that we are examining terminals still at an early stage in development. There is literature describing the distribution of NMDAR subunits in the brain, including the hippocampus. learn more NMDAR subunits have been identified at both the pre- and postsynaptic locus. Of relevance here is that although NR1 subunits are reported to localize at CA1 dendrites (Petralia et al., 1994) and in dendritic spines (Petralia

and Wenthold, 1999, Selleckchem Palbociclib Racca et al., 2000 and Takumi et al., 1999), they have not been reported in boutons. In contrast, NR2B subunits have been shown to localize in presynaptic terminals of primate hippocampal CA3-CA1 synapses (Janssen et al., 2005), and NR2B and NR2D Endonuclease subunits have been found in presynaptic terminals of rat CA3-CA1 synapses (Charton et al., 1999 and Thompson et al., 2002) and within the dentate molecular layer (Jourdain et al., 2007). Here we take the immunoEM literature a step further by showing that the NR1 subunit is also present. NMDAR activation is classically dependent on both the presence of glutamate and the depolarization-induced relief of the Mg2+ block, so we manipulated each of these

factors independently in our study. The results inform us that the receptor behaves in a classical way, but they additionally reveal that large transients arise from transmitter release; thus, the variance in Ca2+ transient amplitude is a direct consequence of the stochastic nature of transmitter release and, as such, can be used as a proxy for pr. Although our pharmacological manipulations are consistent with presynaptic NMDARs having an autoreceptor role, we were mindful that the arrival of glutamate at the receptor must coincide with depolarization of the membrane; in essence, this means that the events we observe must be initiated within the duration of a single AP. To assess this, we measured the time required for the NMDAR current to reach its peak following rapid release of glutamate at a bouton. We observe rapid activation kinetics, within the range in which presynaptic NMDARs could function as autoreceptors.

The average training duration of participants here was 73 hr, wit

The average training duration of participants here was 73 hr, with up to 10 hr devoted to learning to read using the SSD. As part of the training program, the participants were taught (using verbal explanations and palpable images; see Figure 1D

and Supplemental Experimental Procedures) how to process 2D still (static) images, including hundreds of images of seven structured categories: geometric shapes, Hebrew letters and digital numbers, body postures, everyday objects, textures (sometimes with geometric shapes placed over visual texture, used to teach object-background segregation), MK0683 faces, and houses (see Figure 1E; see Movie S1 for a demo of the visual stimuli and their soundscape representations). For full details on the training technique and protocol, see the Supplemental Experimental Procedures.

After the structured training, participants could tell upon hearing a soundscape which category it represented. This required Gestalt object perception and generalization of the category principles and shape perception to novel stimuli. They could also determine multiple features of the stimulus, enabling them to differentiate between objects within categories. For an example, see Movie S2, depicting one congenitally blind check details participant reading a three-letter word and another participant recognizing emotional facial expressions. In order to assess the efficiency of training in terms of visual recognition, six of the participants in the training protocol underwent a psychophysical evaluation of their and ability to identify different object categories. They were required to categorize 35 visual images (in pseudorandomized order) as belonging to the seven object categories.

Each stimulus was displayed using headphones for four repetitions (totaling 8 s), followed by a verbal response. The average rate of object classification success in the blind was 78.1% (±8.8% SD), significantly better than chance (14%; see Figure 1F, t test p < 0.00005). Letter category recognition did not differ from that of the other object categories (all p > 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons). In order to minimize sensory-motor artifacts, no recording of performance was conducted during the fMRI scan. Prior to each scan, we verified that the subjects were able to easily recognize learned stimuli from the tested categories (see more detail in Supplemental Experimental Procedures). The main study included six experimental conditions presented in a block design paradigm. Each condition included ten novel soundscapes representing unfamiliar images from the trained object categories: letters, faces, houses, body shapes, everyday objects, and textures. Each condition was repeated five times, in a pseudorandom order. In each epoch, three different stimuli of the same category were displayed, each for 4 s (two repetitions of a 2 s stimulus). For instance, in each letter epoch, the subject was presented with a novel meaningless three-consonant letter string.