Os TNE totalizam 3-5% das neoplasias sólidas pancreáticas Com fr

Os TNE totalizam 3-5% das neoplasias sólidas pancreáticas. Com frequência, as suas características ecomorfológicas são discriminativas, sendo tipicamente homogéneos, hipoecóicos, com margens bem delimitadas e hipervasculares (fig. 3). O seu

diâmetro médio é inferior a 1,5 cm, mas podem atingir grandes dimensões, particularmente no caso dos tumores não funcionantes. Variantes morfológicas incluem lesões isoecóicas ou hiperecóicas, com calcificações e aspetos de degenerescência quística. Alguns achados ecomorfológicos podem predizer malignidade, nomeadamente a existência de uma área central ecogénica e irregular, áreas quísticas ou a dilatação obstrutiva do sistema ductal pancreático41. O diagnóstico pode ser confirmado por PAAF-EE e estudo imuno-histoquímico, que se caracteriza pela marcação com sinaptofisina e cromogranina A. A análise molecular

Selleck PLX3397 com quantificação do Ki-67 tem provado utilidade na avaliação do comportamento maligno dos TNE, sendo preditiva da sobrevida aos 5 anos 42. O sistema de estadiamento é idêntico ao dos tumores pancreáticos exócrinos. A EE tem uma acuidade diagnóstica global de 57-89% para os TNE da área pancreato-duodenal. A sensibilidade varia entre 80-90% para os tumores de localização pancreática, e entre 30-50% para os tumores de localização extrapancreática43, 44, 45, 46 and 47. Assim, é útil Carfilzomib na suspeita clínica de TNE cuja localização primária não foi identificada pelos métodos de imagem convencionais (TC), permitindo detetar a quase totalidade dos insulinomas e também dos gastrinomas, exceto quando estes se localizam

na parede duodenal, em que apresentam geralmente dimensões mais reduzidas48. Comparativamente à cintigrafia com 111In-Pentatreótido-OctreoscanTM, a EE tem uma sensibilidade diagnóstica superior, além de permitir a caracterização cito-histológica do tumor primário e de eventuais metástases49. O uso de contraste para deteção do padrão hipervascular lesional é um valioso método para localizar e diagnosticar pequenos TNE50. Grape seed extract O linfoma primário do pâncreas, que corresponde geralmente a um linfoma não Hodgkin (LNH) de grandes células B, representa 0,5% das neoplasias sólidas do pâncreas e 3% dos casos de LNH extranodal51. O envolvimento pancreático secundário é mais comum, ocorrendo em cerca de 1/3 dos doentes com LNH52. Assume tipicamente a forma de uma massa homogénea e hipoecóica, bem circunscrita, localizada na cabeça do pâncreas, regra geral sem invasão das estruturas vasculares e sem dilatação do ducto pancreático principal53. Quando o padrão é infiltrativo pode confundir-se com aspetos da pancreatite aguda. Coexistem, habitualmente, múltiplas linfadenopatias peripancreáticas, que têm uma localização caraterística inferior às veias renais54.

That is, given the involvement of the DLPFC and the rIFG in inter

That is, given the involvement of the DLPFC and the rIFG in interference control, we hypothesize that the rate of accumulation, specifying Ku-0059436 datasheet how fast evidence is accrued in favor of a (correct) alternative, is lower for incongruent trials. This would reflect that because the activation in the DLPFC is increased on incongruent trials — which is associated with conflict resolution — the drift rate is decreased.

Moreover, the negative correlation between drift rate and rIFG activation suggests that an increase in the rIFG as observed for slow responses — associated with increased selective suppression — relates to a decrease in the rate of accumulation for incongruent trials as well. Given the hypothesized role of the pre-SMA in setting response thresholds [3••], the findings selleck kinase inhibitor by Forstmann and others 45 and 46 suggest that on incongruent trials in the Simon task, fast errors are made due to an incorrect accumulation towards a low threshold. That is, if the threshold is close to the starting point of accumulation,

a fast yet error-prone response is likely to occur, similar to an error in the speed-accuracy trade-off paradigm [53]). The involvement of the ACC suggests a role for model parameters representing the amount of evidence required to make a choice. While typically, this entails boundary setting, preliminary results from fitting accumulator models to data of the Simon task suggest that there exist a differential response caution towards the different response options. This would shed a new light on the specificity of the ACC with respect to response caution. According to model-based analyses of perceptual decision making, the regions of interest

in the Simon task may be the DLPFC, rIFG, pre-SMA, and ACC. BOLD activation in the DLPFC and the rIFG correlates with the accumulation of evidence, which may be hampered in the Simon task due to interfering location information. Activation in the pre-SMA and the ACC correlates with the amount of evidence that is required. This may also vary in the Simon task, for example, due to the congruency of the previous trial, which is thought to play a prominent role in interference tasks [54]. This Amisulpride suggests that the Simon task involves at least two separate processes, represented as two different parameters in a diffusion model. However, a review of the literature on neural activation in conflict tasks also suggests considerable overlap between spatial and non-spatial interference. Consequently, although the behavioral outcome differs between paradigms, the neural networks that mediate a response may be shared. Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review, have been highlighted as: • of special interest The authors declare no conflict of interest.

MSP in the EU receives important impetus from a number of EU dire

MSP in the EU receives important impetus from a number of EU directives, policies and regulations. Such policy drivers can be broadly categorised into four groups: environmental legislation, legislation for renewable energy, fisheries regulation

and frameworks for cross-sectoral and integrated management. It is important to recognise that although most of the policy drivers discussed below do not contain explicit provisions for cross-sectoral MSP, they do have direct and significant influence on the BIBF 1120 in vivo allocation of marine space for a particular purpose, thereby affecting the availability of space for other sectors. The synergies and tensions between the different policy drivers therefore represent opportunities and challenges for the emergence of fully integrated, cross-sectoral MSP initiatives. The

discussion below draws on a review of the objectives and provisions of the main policy drivers as summarised in Table S1 (see Supplementary Material). In Europe, one of the most important drivers for MSP is biodiversity conservation legislation, as part of the EU’s fulfilment of international commitments under, inter alia, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the World Summit on Sustainable Development. The most significant policy drivers include the Forskolin ic50 Birds (Directive 2009/147/EC) and Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC), which require EU Member States to designate and protect Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), together known as the Natura 2000 network. The Habitats Directive aims to maintain the ‘favourable conservation status’ of species Amylase and habitats through the establishment of Natura 2000 sites, as well as the protection of listed species throughout their natural range. The Directive provides for the protection of over 1000 animals and plant species and over 200 habitat types

[21]. These include 9 marine habitat types and 18 marine species [22]. The marine Natura 2000 network consists of 1813 sites covering a total area of 198,760 km2, though significant gaps still exist, particularly in offshore environments [23]. At the heart of the Habitats Directive is Article 6, which requires sound management of Natura 2000 sites through various measures ( Table S1, Supplementary Material). A series of non-binding guidance documents have been published by the Commission on the application of Article 6, including on environmental impact assessments in Natura 2000 sites and on the application of Article 6 in specific sectors, such as wind energy, port development and non-energy mineral extraction [24].

The scDNA produced two clear bands representing the super-coiled

The scDNA produced two clear bands representing the super-coiled (Form-I) and relaxed circular form (Form-II) of scDNA in the absence of the M(bpy)2 complex, as expected. The presence of the Cu(bpy)2 complex resulted in the disappearance of both bands corresponding to Forms-I and -II (lanes 2–3, Fig. 2). The bands were smeared, suggesting that scDNA cleavage occurred at more than one place. On the other hand, the Zn(bpy)2 and Cd(bpy)2 complexes showed very small or no cleavage activity under the conditions adopted in this study. A range of reactive oxygen species (ROS) might be involved in the cleavage process. To identify

find more the nature of ROS species, the effect of ROS scavengers was tested [28], [29], [30] and [31]. Fig. 3 shows the effect of the scavengers on scDNA cleavage by the Cu(bpy)2 complex detected by electrophoresis.

The presence of 5 mM sodium azide and 50 mM DMSO (lanes 4 and 5, Fig. 3) showed very little inhibition for the cleavage process. Similar to that in the absence of scavengers check details which produced a predominantly smeared band (lane 1), the presence of either sodium azide or DMSO resulted in a smeared band. Considering that sodium azide and DMSO are scavengers for singlet oxygen (1O2) and hydroxyl radicals (·OH), these two oxygen species did not participate in the cleavage process. Tiron, a superoxide radical, ·O2−, scavenger, had a large inhibition effect on the cleavage of scDNA (lane 3). The smeared band did not appear whereas the amount of scDNA decreased with increasing Form-II band (nicked open circular form). The presence of catalase, a H2O2 scavenger, also resulted in the disappearance of the smeared band whereas the bands correspond to nicked circular and linear forms were apparent. This suggested that the role of the oxygen radical is essential for the Cu(bpy)2-induced scDNA cleavage. LD is an excellent tool for probing the cleavage of sc and dsDNA [15], [16], [17], [18] and [32]. This real-time LD technique is based

on the fact that the magnitude of LD in the DNA absorption region solely reflects the flexibility and length of DNA if the other factors including the optical density, viscosity, temperature and flow rate (in the flow orientation case) are kept constant. Fig. 4 shows the LD spectrum of the crotamiton DNA in the presence and absence of the Cu(bpy)2 complex at the time of mixing and 20 min after mixing. In the absence of the Cu(bpy)2 complex, the LD spectrum of dsDNA was negative and its shape resembled the negative of the absorption spectrum as expected from the set-up adopted in this study [17], [18] and [19]. Both the shape and intensity of the LD spectrum of dsDNA remained in the absence of the Cu(bpy)2 complex. The maximum intensity was observed at 258 nm. The presence of the Cu(bpy)2 complex caused a decrease in intensity, a 5 nm red-shifted maximum and a positive band above 300 nm at the time of mixing.

, 2012, Wicks and Roberts, 2012 and Smith et al , 2013), despite

, 2012, Wicks and Roberts, 2012 and Smith et al., 2013), despite their vital importance to marine ecosystems worldwide. Consequently, further research on these organisms is imperative as their success or loss might severely change the habitat structure and community composition of future

marine ecosystems. We thank the reviewers for helpful comments on the manuscript. This work was funded by the Australian Research Council (DP 0988039). While the majority of this work was performed at Macquarie University, parts were performed within the Linnaeus Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology (http://www.cemeb.science.gu.se). LEE011 nmr Animals were collected under scientific collection licenses from the Department of Primary Industries, New South Wales, Australia. “
“There is nothing that human beings do that does not have consequences; no human action is environmentally neutral. But for some reason the vast majority of people think that treatment, whether of sewage or of outputs from industrial activities, is universally positive. There is no thought of the possible consequences of treatment from the general public, and too little such thought from scientists and managers. But selleck kinase inhibitor treatment

does have consequences; it is not environmentally neutral. Consider sewage treatment – the effluent contains less and less contaminants as levels of treatment increase, but the contaminants do not disappear. They www.selleck.co.jp/products/MDV3100.html are now concentrated in the sewage sludge, which has to be disposed of – often as a hazardous waste. Consider reverse osmosis to treat industrial discharges – again the effluent is cleaned, but a concentrate is produced that again has to be disposed of. And what of the energy costs of treatment, greenhouse gases, habitat changes from construction of treatment plants, possibility of spills of the hazardous materials transported from them,

and so on? Pleas for consideration of the environmental (i.e., non-monetary) costs and benefits of treatment, including risk:risk assessments before proceeding, typically encountered three dismissive responses. The first response is that a certain level of treatment is the standard that others have instituted and that standard has to be met – for political, legal, and/or other non-scientific reasons. I recall my mother chastising me as a child: “Just because Johnny did it does not mean you have to do it”. I suspect those providing this response were similarly chastised by their parents but have chosen to forget this important early life lesson. The second response is that treatment may not be without environmental costs, but it is preferable to not treating. This response can have validity in cases where the environment and/or human health are clearly threatened, for instance sewage or other effluents released upstream from drinking water intakes.

Spin relaxation in the amino acid side chains was assumed to be d

Spin relaxation in the amino acid side chains was assumed to be dipole–dipole dominated. Matlab code listing the specific parameter values used Osimertinib is available as a part of the Spinach package [18]. While chemical shift data is a necessary outcome of NMR structure determination [3], complete J-coupling data is not expected to be available in the foreseeable future for any protein. We found that missing J-couplings can be obtained with sufficient accuracy (±25% is required for 2D/3D NMR simulations reported) from atomic coordinates using semi-empirical estimates, and implemented a graph-theoretical estimator with the following stages: 1. The molecular

bonding graph is partitioned into connected subgraphs of size two, and one-bond J-couplings are assigned from a complete database of atom pairs. Our experience with ubiquitin indicates that there are fewer than 100 unique connected atom pairs in regular proteins, and that most one-bond J-couplings within those NVP-BKM120 pairs can be either found in the literature [3], or measured in individual amino acids, or estimated with sufficient accuracy using electronic structure theory software [29]. J-couplings across more than three bonds were ignored. The effect of the electrostatic environment was also ignored – for the accuracy

required for protein simulations its effect on J-coupling is small [31] and [32]. Matlab code listing the specific parameter values is available as a part

of the Spinach package [18]. More accurate J-coupling estimation methods are undoubtedly possible, but are beyond the scope of the present work – we should note very clearly here that this paper is an exercise in quantum mechanics rather than structural biology. Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 illustrate the quantitative agreement of the simulation results with experimental data. The few missing peaks in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 correspond to either atoms missing from the database record or to spectral folding artefacts in the experimental data. The extra peaks appearing Bumetanide in the theoretical spectra correspond to the protons of the amino acid residues undergoing conformational exchange or chemical exchange with the deuterium of the solvent – they are invisible in proton NMR experiments. Excellent agreement for the major NOESY cross-peak positions is apparent in Fig. 1. The observed residual scatter in NOESY cross-peak volumes shown in Fig. 2 is due to the following factors, whose detailed investigation we are leaving for future research: 1. A single set of atomic coordinates being used for the simulation. NMR structure determination runs produce structural ensembles with dozens or hundreds of molecular geometries consistent with a given NMR data set.

25 Of the many pneumococcal

secreted or surface-expressed

25 Of the many pneumococcal

secreted or surface-expressed proteins, including LytC, PcsB, that have been identified as potential vaccine antigens, 26, 27, 28 and 29 work described here was limited to only 4 antigens due to sample constraints. These protein antigens were chosen because they are well characterized as playing a role in the pathogenesis of pneumococcal disease and demonstrated to be protective against carriage and/or invasive disease in humans and/or animal models. 30, 31, 32 and 33 Knowledge gained from these 4 protein antigens may be applicable to other novel protein vaccine candidates, as most of these protein antigens are fairly conserved among all pneumococcal isolates. A cocktail of 10 ug/ml tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD; Statens Serum Ins.), 5 ug/ml purified tetanus toxoid (Merck Biosciences) and 1 ug/ml inactivated split virion influenza vaccine (Flu; Aventis Gemcitabine nmr Pasteur MSD) was used as a positive control and PBS alone as a negative control. As PBS generated very few spots, background was not subtracted. As the total number of cells recovered from each blood sample varied, it was not always possible to include Quizartinib all antigens in every assay. ASC were detected by incubation with IgG secondary antibody (Sigma) conjugated to alkaline phosphatase for

at least 6 h prior to development with an alkaline phosphatase substrate kit (Bio-Rad). ASC were counted using an AID ELISPOT reader and analysis software version 4.0 (AID Strasburg, Germany). Data were expressed as medians and interquartile ranges (IQR). Comparisons were made Protein kinase N1 using Friedman’s test to evaluate the effect of ART across all time points (i.e. at baseline and all 3 follow-up times). Statistical analysis and graphical presentations were done using Stata 10 and GraphPad Prism software (version 4.0). Differences after comparisons were considered statistically significant if P < 0.05. Of the 45 children recruited, 2 died, 1 moved away from

Blantyre and 1 withdrew from the study. These 4 children were excluded from subsequent analysis and 41 HIV-infected children with median age 92 months at recruitment (IQR, 63–132 months) were included. None of these 41 children was malaria parasitemic at enrollment, all received cotrimoxazole prophylaxis and none were febrile at any of the follow-up visits. 18/41 (44%) were females and 23/40 (58%) had S. pneumoniae detected by culture of a nasopharyngeal swab obtained at enrollment. Pneumococcal carriage rates varied between 58 and 92% throughout the course of the study and the rate was 83% after 12 months of ART. The carriage rate in healthy controls with median age 92 months (IQR, 54–132 months) was 46%. 10 As expected, both absolute and percentage CD4+ T cell counts rose significantly (P < 0.

Die Reaktion wurde als pseudo-erster

Die Reaktion wurde als pseudo-erster BTK inhibitor Ordnung mit k = 5,5 x 10-5/s charakterisiert. Dieses kinetische Verhalten wie auch die Beobachtung, dass ein größerer Teil des Pt gebunden war, widersprach früheren Ergebnissen, die anhand der Trennung der Pt-Spezies durch Größenausschlusschromatographie erhaltenen worden waren. Eine mögliche Erklärung könnte ein generelles Problem bei der Speziationsanalyse sein: die Stabilität des Komplexes (der Spezies) während der Trennung an stationären Phasen. Da nämlich bei der Kapillarzonenelektrophorese

(CZE) zur Trennung der Pt-Spezies deren unterschiedliche Wanderungsgeschwindigkeiten im elektrischen Feld, entsprechend ihren unterschiedlichen m/z-Werten, genutzt werden anstatt der Interaktion mit der stationären Phase, gilt es als gesichert, dass die Stabilität der Spezies bei der CZE besser gewahrt bleibt als bei der Trennung durch LC (z. B. SEC) [32]. Die abweichenden Ergebnisse der früheren, SEC-basierten Experimente wurden daher in dieser Publikation mit einem Verlust der Bindung während des LEE011 supplier Gelfiltrationsverfahrens erklärt, das zur Abtrennung des ungebundenen Platins verwendet worden war [30]. Die Gruppe um Sanz-Medel [15] verfolgte einen „Bottom-up”-Ansatz bei der Untersuchung der Interaktionen zwischen Pt-Medikamenten und Proteinen.

HSA, Transferrin (TF) und Immunglobulin G (IgG) wurden mit Cisplatin in steigenden Konzentrationen inkubiert und dann mittels HPLC–ICP-MS analysiert. Die Autoren waren in der Lage, innerhalb von 40 min nicht gebundenes Cisplatin, Cisplatin-TF und Cisplatin-HSA nachzuweisen. Im Fall von TF wurden parallel auch die Schwefel- und Eisen-Peaks untersucht. HSA zeigte innerhalb von 24 h völlige Komplexierung, da angenommen wurde, dass 80 % des Medikaments exkretiert oder anderswo gespeichert wurden.

Die berechnete molekulare Stöchiometrie betrug Pt:HSA = 4:1. Transferrin bildete ebenfalls Coproporphyrinogen III oxidase Komplexe mit Pt. Dies war an den parallel eluierenden Peaks für S (TF-Apoprotein), Fe (eisenbeladenes TF) und Pt ersichtlich. Das Addukt wies eine Stöchiometrie von 1:1 auf. Pt ersetzte offenbar nicht das Eisen an seiner spezifischen Bindungsstelle im Transferrin. In einem zweiten Schritt ihres Bottom-up-Ansatzes wurden die Cisplatin-Protein-Interaktionen durch ESI-Q-TOF-MS charakterisiert [15]. Durch diese Experimente konnte zum ersten Mal gezeigt werden, dass Cisplatin zu einer Spaltung von Disulfidbrücken im HSA mit der Möglichkeit einer intermolekularen Quervernetzung des Proteinmoleküls führt. Xie et al. [5] untersuchten die Reaktionsprodukte nach Inkubation von Carboplatin mit HSA und γ-Globulin, da beide Proteine zusammen mehr als 80 % des gesamten Plasmaproteins ausmachen. Innerhalb einiger Tage nahm der Carboplatin-Peak signifikant ab und stattdessen nahm ein neuer Peak zu, der Carboplatin-HSA zugeschrieben wurde.

Both tissue/cell sample and CSF or culture media samples can be u

Both tissue/cell sample and CSF or culture media samples can be used. Label-free quantitative proteomics method provides the most sensitive detection. It works best if one already knows what the protein targets of interest are. This approach can then be used to track brain injury-dependent and temporal or changes of a one or more protein targets. Due to its detection sensitivity, biofluid samples including CSF, plasma and serum can be used once the detection

method is optimized. Lastly, imaging mass spectrometry can be used to identify ABT888 and/or quantify a small number of protein markers in the brain following injury. Its major advantage is that it can provide dimensional spatial information and localization data that is absent with the other proteomic methods. In general all three methods can be used for both animal and human-based studies. However, imaging proteomic perhaps presents the highest challenge for human studies since good quality brain tissue

samples with minimal post-mortem delay will be most desirable. In this paper, we review the various qualitative, comparative and quantitative mass spectrometry approaches that can be used in vitro and animal studies of CNS injury, but also their translational aspects in clinical biosamples. As technological advances continue, a growth area PI3K inhibitor is to explore the various post-translational modifications of specific brain protein suing these methods. Lastly, although we focused on CNS injury, the principle we discussed should apply to other neurological conditions, diseases or disorders. “
“Ovarian cancer (OvCa) is the most lethal of all gynaecological malignancies and is the 5th leading cause of

mortality due to cancer in North American women [1]. Florfenicol Despite advances in medicine and technology, the survival rate of women diagnosed with OvCa has remained relatively unchanged over the past three decades [2], [3] and [4]. Women diagnosed with early-stage OvCa have a 5-year survival rate of approximately 80–90% but this decreases dramatically to 20–30% in late-stage diagnoses [5]. Unfortunately, no reliable mode of screening currently exists for early detection of OvCa and the disease is often asymptomatic during its early stages. As a consequence, most women are diagnosed when the disease has progressed considerably. In addition to early detection, the treatment and management of OvCa patients faces several challenges. In general, patients diagnosed with advanced disease are managed with surgical cytoreduction and chemotherapy. Although these therapeutic interventions are initially efficacious, patients often experience cancer recurrence, as a result of intrinsic or acquired chemoresistance by cancer stem cells or aberrant expression of oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes in tumour cells.

Thus, the reason

Thus, the reason Bcl-2 inhibitor for the dissipation of the suppressive effect of both eldecalcitol and alfacalcidol on intact PTH and BSAP levels after 6 months of treatment remains unclear. The present study included 24 male patients; 9 of them were in eldecalcitol group and 15 of them were in alfacalcidol group. Incident vertebral fracture occurred in one out of 9 males and 2 out of 15 males in eldecalcitol and alfacalcidol groups, respectively. Mean changes in lumbar BMD were 10.9 and

− 0.24 percentage points after 36 months of treatment with eldecalcitol and alfacalcidol, respectively. Mean changes in total hip BMD were 1.8 and − 0.61 percentage points after 36 months of treatment with eldecalcitol and alfacalcidol, respectively. From these results, the effect of eldecalcitol may be superior among males as well. However, the number of subjects was too small to draw Dabrafenib concentration any conclusions, and larger studies are

needed to clarify this issue. There was no significant difference in the incidence of any adverse events, and the number of serious adverse events was smaller in the eldecalcitol-treated group. Although the incidence of urinary Ca increase over 0.4 mg/dL GF was higher in the eldecalcitol group, the incidence of urolithiasis was the same and no significant difference in eGFR was observed between the two groups. In addition, the incidence of hypercalcemia of greater than 11.5 mg/dL was low in both groups (2 and 0 in the eldecalcitol

and alfacalcidol groups, respectively). These results many demonstrate that eldecalcitol is safe for at least 3 years. The present study has limitations. First, the present study lacked a placebo group. Second, as a limitation relating to the size of the study as an active comparator study, the statistical significance of the primary endpoint was predefined as a two-sided alpha of 0.10 with 90% confidence interval. Finally, although there was no statistical difference in the incidence of hypercalcemia over 11.5 mg/dL or urolithiasis between the eldecalcitol and alfacalcidol groups, the incidence of increase in serum and urinary Ca was significantly higher in the eldecalcitol group. Therefore, the long-term safety of eldecalcitol needs to be studied. In conclusion, in vitamin D-sufficient patients with osteoporosis, daily treatment with 0.75 μg eldecalcitol for 3 years is associated with a lower risk of vertebral and wrist fractures, greater improvements in lumbar spine BMD, and greater decreases in bone turnover than daily treatment with 1.0 μg alfacalcidol. The long-term efficacy and safety remains to be studied. The present study was sponsored by Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. The sponsor of the study participated in study design, data collection, data analyses, data interpretation, and writing of the report. The sponsor supplied the study medication, and had responsibility for data collection and quality control.